Two nights ago, on Tuesday the 10, was the Dia de San Lorenzo. San Lorenzo is a small town within San Jauquin about 5 minutes from where I live in Santa Marta. First let me explain that within San Jauquin there are smaller little towns they refer to as Pueblos. Each pueblo is named after a Saint, most towns and pueblos in this country are, and they are each given a day of celebration. So on Tuesday was a fiesta for San Lorenzo.
When I got home from school, my Mama Tica came into my room to tell me about the festivities of the night. She explained to me that San Lorenzo was one of the nicest pueblos in San Jauquin and there would be a celebration tonight. I assumed all it would be were fireworks, just like when it was the Dia de Santa Marta.
We left the house about 9 pm to go pick up my sister. Just a few side notes: 1. car seats here are not required. I sat in the back seat with my mama tica and baby ian sat inbetween us. 2. I dont think my mama tica drives because my papa tico drove us to pick up my sister then we dropped him off at home and my sister drove. 3. Driving in this country is SCARY.
Anyways, the party was help at the church in the small town. The are was packed. They had game booths, food stands, market, rides, and the coolest part was the dancing. They had this people who were dressed up in all sorts of crazy costumes and had a band going in a hall. Everyone danced and they also had homemade foods such as tamales, emanadas, tres leches, and more. Of corse, being a tica now, I had to try the foods! and they were delicious! i am never let down. But anyways, after the dancing there was a huge fireworks show. It was better then the one i saw fo Dia de Santa Marta. It was a really cool night.
If i had know exactly what i was going to i would have brought my camera! i am very upset that i did not bring it but i will have to explain in full detail to everyone so you all can picture it in your heads.
Tomorrow i head out for my last adventure: RAFTING! My friends Brenna, Erin and I are going to be doing an all day raft trip on the Pacaure River. I am very excited! Wish me luck! Hope to see you all soon, one week from today and i will be on US soil.
Pura Vida
Emma's in Costa Rica
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Gatos vs Perros
so just a quick story/idea. The other day my teacher described the difference between Costa Ricans and Americans. The analogy he used was Gatos Vs. Perros, Cats Vs. Dogs. This is why he thinks so:
Gringos(white people)
Like to be alone
Personal Space
Individuals- dont travel in packs
Sleep In or during the day
Costa Ricans
Like to travel in groups and be surrounded
Always in people's personal space, very close
Likes to depend and be close with others
Wake up super early , work all day, and sleep early
Most of it is true i have to say! I just thought it was interesting and kind of funny. So now you know!
Gringos(white people)
Like to be alone
Personal Space
Individuals- dont travel in packs
Sleep In or during the day
Costa Ricans
Like to travel in groups and be surrounded
Always in people's personal space, very close
Likes to depend and be close with others
Wake up super early , work all day, and sleep early
Most of it is true i have to say! I just thought it was interesting and kind of funny. So now you know!
This and That
So I was thinking about my trip and realized that a lot goes on during my weeks that I dont really ever awknowledge. I write about all my trips, but never much about what I do during the week. So I thought I would try to recall some events.
About a week and a half ago was the Dia de San Jauquin, the day of my town. It was interesting because most days in this town there are not many people wondering the roads, but this day was different. People were everywhere. Especially that night, when my mama tica came in to ask me if I wanted to go see Fuegos Articiales, at first I had no idea what they were until she explained that they are what we see on fourth of July in the United States. So me, Ian, Laura and mama tica al went out to the town scare to see the fireworks. I didnt even know that many people lived in town! It was packed. The fireworks were pretty good, but not as good as Donner Lake fireworks. It was interesting to me because it didnt seem like they had any safety regulations. For example they were lighting them off in the middle of the scare and people were surrounding them on all sides, but not just that, they were smoking at the same time. It was very interesting. But I was happy my family invited me to do that.
Thursday of last week, I went up to my Abuela ticas house. She lives just up the street, in the house that my mama tica was born in. I soon learned that this is the only street my mama tica has ever lived. And not only that, but her brothers and sisters, three out of ten of them, all live on the block. The grandma, and two siblings have houses all on the same property. Its pretty neat. So when i was over there, they were making a costa rican food that is called Choredas. It is a corn tortilla thing but similar to the thickness of pancakes. So of course, the Costa Ricans love to feed people, so I had LOTS of them. they are very persistent people. Not only was my grandma there, but her friend who lives with her, the aunt and the cousin. So we sat and drank coffee (they think its weird i like mine black, Costa Ricans love lots of sugar in thier coffee) and ate lots of Choredas. They are delicious. Hopefully I will be able to go back over there soon and make some more foods.
So last night, I had some very good luck! After my spin class, I took a cab home with a girl in my program. I was dropped off first and then her. Turns out I left my wallet in the Taxi! It was terrible. I go into my house and realize this, but my Mama Tica wasnt home. But my papa tico was. So i had to interrupt his tv session to explain to him what had happened. And let me tell you, it is hard enough speaking spanish when im calm but panicking made it all bad. So my papa tico drove me back to the gym since they were the ones who had called the taxi for me. Luckily I have made friends who a guy who works there and he speaks perfect english. I ran up to him and explained what happened and he told me oh no worries, it happens a lot. Ill just call and get it for you. So he made about ten phones, being connected to different taxis and and finally got ahold of my taxi driver, and YES my wallet was in there. I was soo happy! So I told my papa he could go home since there was a big soccer game on and I waited with my new best friend for my wallet. LESSON OF THE STORY: costa ricans are the nicest people and most helpful people ever!
So I am more then halfway done with my program. Two more weeks of classes, its very hard to believe. The first two weeks were rough, and hard to get settled in, but now I cant believe I have to leave so soon. My spanish has improved but hopefully the next two weeks will get even better. I have been talking to my mama tica abotu her food here becuase it is amazing, but no one seems to have recipes. Everything is by taste, so i am working on learning how to make the delicious foods! Hopefully i can bring back some good skills!
NOTE: anything edible means it is okay to put lots of mayonaise on it according the the Costa Ricans. But if we were to ever try to make them put peanut butter on something it is not okay because it has to much fat, ironic right?
Tomorrow i am off to Monte Verde- the cloud forest! Hope all is well with everyone at home! See you all just a few weeks.
Pura Vida
About a week and a half ago was the Dia de San Jauquin, the day of my town. It was interesting because most days in this town there are not many people wondering the roads, but this day was different. People were everywhere. Especially that night, when my mama tica came in to ask me if I wanted to go see Fuegos Articiales, at first I had no idea what they were until she explained that they are what we see on fourth of July in the United States. So me, Ian, Laura and mama tica al went out to the town scare to see the fireworks. I didnt even know that many people lived in town! It was packed. The fireworks were pretty good, but not as good as Donner Lake fireworks. It was interesting to me because it didnt seem like they had any safety regulations. For example they were lighting them off in the middle of the scare and people were surrounding them on all sides, but not just that, they were smoking at the same time. It was very interesting. But I was happy my family invited me to do that.
Thursday of last week, I went up to my Abuela ticas house. She lives just up the street, in the house that my mama tica was born in. I soon learned that this is the only street my mama tica has ever lived. And not only that, but her brothers and sisters, three out of ten of them, all live on the block. The grandma, and two siblings have houses all on the same property. Its pretty neat. So when i was over there, they were making a costa rican food that is called Choredas. It is a corn tortilla thing but similar to the thickness of pancakes. So of course, the Costa Ricans love to feed people, so I had LOTS of them. they are very persistent people. Not only was my grandma there, but her friend who lives with her, the aunt and the cousin. So we sat and drank coffee (they think its weird i like mine black, Costa Ricans love lots of sugar in thier coffee) and ate lots of Choredas. They are delicious. Hopefully I will be able to go back over there soon and make some more foods.
So last night, I had some very good luck! After my spin class, I took a cab home with a girl in my program. I was dropped off first and then her. Turns out I left my wallet in the Taxi! It was terrible. I go into my house and realize this, but my Mama Tica wasnt home. But my papa tico was. So i had to interrupt his tv session to explain to him what had happened. And let me tell you, it is hard enough speaking spanish when im calm but panicking made it all bad. So my papa tico drove me back to the gym since they were the ones who had called the taxi for me. Luckily I have made friends who a guy who works there and he speaks perfect english. I ran up to him and explained what happened and he told me oh no worries, it happens a lot. Ill just call and get it for you. So he made about ten phones, being connected to different taxis and and finally got ahold of my taxi driver, and YES my wallet was in there. I was soo happy! So I told my papa he could go home since there was a big soccer game on and I waited with my new best friend for my wallet. LESSON OF THE STORY: costa ricans are the nicest people and most helpful people ever!
So I am more then halfway done with my program. Two more weeks of classes, its very hard to believe. The first two weeks were rough, and hard to get settled in, but now I cant believe I have to leave so soon. My spanish has improved but hopefully the next two weeks will get even better. I have been talking to my mama tica abotu her food here becuase it is amazing, but no one seems to have recipes. Everything is by taste, so i am working on learning how to make the delicious foods! Hopefully i can bring back some good skills!
NOTE: anything edible means it is okay to put lots of mayonaise on it according the the Costa Ricans. But if we were to ever try to make them put peanut butter on something it is not okay because it has to much fat, ironic right?
Tomorrow i am off to Monte Verde- the cloud forest! Hope all is well with everyone at home! See you all just a few weeks.
Pura Vida
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Puerto Viejo
Last weekend we went to Puerto Viejo, which is located in the Carribean. This town was said to be totally different then any other part of Costa Rica, and it was indeed. It was a town of Ragae, a type and lifestyle of music. There were so many people I met here with the same story, goes a little like this: So I was traveling around Costa Rica and Puerto Viejo was the last stop on my list. I was only planning on staying here for the weekend but then I was convinced to forget about my flight home and stay. So now its been x amount of months and Im still here.
Not kidding, I think atleast six people I met had this story. I can see exactly why it happens. This place is such a laid back paradise. Small where everyone knows eachother and what is going on in the town, but not only that, its located right on water. Restaurants and Hotels sit on the water, and nothing is more then a five minute walk to beach. Its a pretty insane place.
Thursday night, me and my friend Brenna arrived into town. We were told to stay at this awesome hostel called Rockin Jays, little did I know what was in store for me. When we got there we had a choice of a tent to sleep in or a hammock, I chose the tent. I mean I love camping so I thought this would be fun. But as we started walking around the place we were both thinking wow this is dirty! It was also party central USA. So we stuck it out for a night but decided that for how far away it was from the center of town, and how dirty, loud, and not welcoming it was, we were going to leave. The next mornign we found a hotel for four whole dollars more, so we took it. It was great. We met so many people, had the cutest room, and the place was just an awesome environment.
That afternoon, we went kayaking and snorkling in the ocean. We had met a friend who lives at the hotel, (which we found out many people lived in the hotel) who worked at the local surf shop. So he got us some kayaks and gear and off we went. We snorkled in the reef that is just off shore of where we were. It was pretty neat. That night was really fun, we bought a bunch of vegetables and potatoes to cook for dinner. Little did we know it would turn into a potluck. Everyone was cooking in the kitchen and we all put our food together and feasted. Some had pastas, chickens, veggies, fish, anything really. It was so cool how everyone just kept handing people food and didnt care about getting paid or repaid in some way. It was awesome.
Saturday we met up with the rest of our group and rented bikes. We biked down to this animal refuge place and were able to hold monkeys and sloths. They were so cute! We took a tour of the refuge which was fun, but Im going to admit, im not a tour person. It was WAY to long. After about 20 minutes I was done. Haha, but I stuck it out. The reward for that was the beach. We went to this beach that was about a 30 minute bike ride from the middle of town. It was AMAZING. We brought a little picnic and swam and took a nice loonnngg nap to get some energy for that night, which was live ragae night!
At this restaurant called Tex Mex, we ate dinner and later on listened to the local band of Ragae. They played some Bob Marley songs along with some songs of thier own. We had obviously chosen the right place to eat because it seemed like the whole town had been there. I even saw two of the people I had met in my hostel in Manuel Antonio at this restuarant. Who would have thought? It was fun.
Sunday is always traveling days. Off we went back to San Joaquin (which by the way i found out i have been spelling wrong the whole time, embarrassing). When we got back, we were welcomed with a big thunder and lightnign storm. I myself dont have a umbrella so I walked home in the rain and by the time I got there, it was as if I had gone swimming. I actually enjoyed it but my backpack and papers suffered a little. But as Ticos say, Pura Vida!
Not kidding, I think atleast six people I met had this story. I can see exactly why it happens. This place is such a laid back paradise. Small where everyone knows eachother and what is going on in the town, but not only that, its located right on water. Restaurants and Hotels sit on the water, and nothing is more then a five minute walk to beach. Its a pretty insane place.
Thursday night, me and my friend Brenna arrived into town. We were told to stay at this awesome hostel called Rockin Jays, little did I know what was in store for me. When we got there we had a choice of a tent to sleep in or a hammock, I chose the tent. I mean I love camping so I thought this would be fun. But as we started walking around the place we were both thinking wow this is dirty! It was also party central USA. So we stuck it out for a night but decided that for how far away it was from the center of town, and how dirty, loud, and not welcoming it was, we were going to leave. The next mornign we found a hotel for four whole dollars more, so we took it. It was great. We met so many people, had the cutest room, and the place was just an awesome environment.
That afternoon, we went kayaking and snorkling in the ocean. We had met a friend who lives at the hotel, (which we found out many people lived in the hotel) who worked at the local surf shop. So he got us some kayaks and gear and off we went. We snorkled in the reef that is just off shore of where we were. It was pretty neat. That night was really fun, we bought a bunch of vegetables and potatoes to cook for dinner. Little did we know it would turn into a potluck. Everyone was cooking in the kitchen and we all put our food together and feasted. Some had pastas, chickens, veggies, fish, anything really. It was so cool how everyone just kept handing people food and didnt care about getting paid or repaid in some way. It was awesome.
Saturday we met up with the rest of our group and rented bikes. We biked down to this animal refuge place and were able to hold monkeys and sloths. They were so cute! We took a tour of the refuge which was fun, but Im going to admit, im not a tour person. It was WAY to long. After about 20 minutes I was done. Haha, but I stuck it out. The reward for that was the beach. We went to this beach that was about a 30 minute bike ride from the middle of town. It was AMAZING. We brought a little picnic and swam and took a nice loonnngg nap to get some energy for that night, which was live ragae night!
At this restaurant called Tex Mex, we ate dinner and later on listened to the local band of Ragae. They played some Bob Marley songs along with some songs of thier own. We had obviously chosen the right place to eat because it seemed like the whole town had been there. I even saw two of the people I had met in my hostel in Manuel Antonio at this restuarant. Who would have thought? It was fun.
Sunday is always traveling days. Off we went back to San Joaquin (which by the way i found out i have been spelling wrong the whole time, embarrassing). When we got back, we were welcomed with a big thunder and lightnign storm. I myself dont have a umbrella so I walked home in the rain and by the time I got there, it was as if I had gone swimming. I actually enjoyed it but my backpack and papers suffered a little. But as Ticos say, Pura Vida!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Manuel Antonio
This past weekend, I took my first excursion to Manuel Antonio, which is a beach town along the Pacific Ocean. It is said to be the prettiest and most expensive city in all of Costa Rica.
So on Thursday night, we took a 4 hour bus ride to the beach. We arrived around ten at night to our Hostel called Backpackers Manuel Antonio. Here we stayed in a huge dorm room with about ten bunk beds. The Hostel was pretty awesome. It had a pool, lounge area, kitchen, hamock setup area and a mini restaurant. We met so many crazy people. One of which I will never forget. I never seemed to catch his name, but we all refered to his as Banana Boy. The reason for that is, this boy eats thirty to forty bananas a DAY. I am not kidding. He is from Sweden and only eats fruits and vegetables, but as he put it, he will eat nuts if he picks them from a farm. He was quite the character.
Friday morning came around and we woke up to the beautiful rain. Who would have thought we would leave the rain in the valley to go to the rain at the beach? But it all worked out in our favor. Me, my friend Erin, and Sammy went on an ATV tour. We were shown pinapple plantations and farms and such and we road through a river and ended up at two awesome waterfalls. By the end of the tour I was covered in mud. We ate lunch with the group and the headed back to the hostel and relaxed for the afternoon.
That night we went to dinner at a restuarant that was built around an old airplane. The front bar is the inside of the airplane and you are able to go into the area where the pilots fly the plane and check it out. The rest of the restuarant is built around that part. Its pretty amazing.
Saturday meant beach day. Waking up to the sunshine we were determined to hit the beach. Body surfing and tanning was great. We walked through the national park and saw all sorts of monkeys and animals. The animals were so friendly, they would walk right up to you or just get really close.
Saturday night was a very intersting experience. We went back to the hostel, went to dinner and then our new friend, a tour guide, wanted to take us out. So he drove us in his tourismo bus to a place called Bamba Jam. It is a Tica bar with a live band and dancing. Henry, the guide, was a great dancer and was determined to get us gringas dancing like ticas. Too bad I have only been to my zumba class once. This night was really fun and we definetly got a taste of the Costa Rican night life.
Sunday meant back to reality. It was a great trip. The funny thing for me was, everywhere I went, I had memories from my first trip with my family and the Gordons. It was a nice feeling and I was able to add on to those memories.
As for photos, I have lots that I took, but due to my computer braking, I am working on uploading them to my temporary one. I will get them up as soon as possible.

Next stop... Puerto Viejo.

Pura Vida
So on Thursday night, we took a 4 hour bus ride to the beach. We arrived around ten at night to our Hostel called Backpackers Manuel Antonio. Here we stayed in a huge dorm room with about ten bunk beds. The Hostel was pretty awesome. It had a pool, lounge area, kitchen, hamock setup area and a mini restaurant. We met so many crazy people. One of which I will never forget. I never seemed to catch his name, but we all refered to his as Banana Boy. The reason for that is, this boy eats thirty to forty bananas a DAY. I am not kidding. He is from Sweden and only eats fruits and vegetables, but as he put it, he will eat nuts if he picks them from a farm. He was quite the character.
Friday morning came around and we woke up to the beautiful rain. Who would have thought we would leave the rain in the valley to go to the rain at the beach? But it all worked out in our favor. Me, my friend Erin, and Sammy went on an ATV tour. We were shown pinapple plantations and farms and such and we road through a river and ended up at two awesome waterfalls. By the end of the tour I was covered in mud. We ate lunch with the group and the headed back to the hostel and relaxed for the afternoon.
That night we went to dinner at a restuarant that was built around an old airplane. The front bar is the inside of the airplane and you are able to go into the area where the pilots fly the plane and check it out. The rest of the restuarant is built around that part. Its pretty amazing.
Saturday meant beach day. Waking up to the sunshine we were determined to hit the beach. Body surfing and tanning was great. We walked through the national park and saw all sorts of monkeys and animals. The animals were so friendly, they would walk right up to you or just get really close.
Saturday night was a very intersting experience. We went back to the hostel, went to dinner and then our new friend, a tour guide, wanted to take us out. So he drove us in his tourismo bus to a place called Bamba Jam. It is a Tica bar with a live band and dancing. Henry, the guide, was a great dancer and was determined to get us gringas dancing like ticas. Too bad I have only been to my zumba class once. This night was really fun and we definetly got a taste of the Costa Rican night life.
Sunday meant back to reality. It was a great trip. The funny thing for me was, everywhere I went, I had memories from my first trip with my family and the Gordons. It was a nice feeling and I was able to add on to those memories.
As for photos, I have lots that I took, but due to my computer braking, I am working on uploading them to my temporary one. I will get them up as soon as possible.
Next stop... Puerto Viejo.
Pura Vida
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Computer Fail
So my computer is no longer working which means I cannot blog for a while. Hopefully it will get fixed soon and I can update everything. Pura Vida
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
1st week of classes
On Monday I had my first class in Costa Rica. I have class from 8-12 each day and then have free time for studying and running errands. So lets see... my school is about a 10 minute walk from my house which means I wake up around 7. Each morning my Mama Tica has a huge plate of food waiting for me. Not like in the states where we eat a yogurt, fruit or cereal, here we eat bread, ham, eggs, rice, beans, fruit, anything you could imagine, in huge quantities. Then I head off for a morning of classes. My teachers name is Johnny and he is from Costa Rica but lived in Florida for a few years. He's pretty awesome.
After school I have been running errands to the bank or the the book store to pick up materials. But, of course, as soon as I get home from school, Mama Tica has once again a huge thing of food. Let me say, I am an eater, but I think I have met my match. It is insane! Enough about food.
Monday night I went and played soccer with a group of Ticos and Americans. They play every Monday and Thursday night for about an hour. It is a lot of fun. I even met a kid who goes to Oregon! The funny thing was, everyone has in their mind that Costa Ricans or Latin American people are really good at soccer, but watching games on the weekends in the park or even playing with them proves that wrong. haha.
Last night I joined the gym and took a Costa Rican Spin class. It was so intense. The instructor turns the lights off and we have disco balls going. It made it a bit more interesting. And as for tonight, me and some of the girls in my program are going to a Zumba class. I have no clue what to expect considering I have never taken a dance class in my life! Wish me luck!
Tomorrow I leave for my first excursion to the beaches of Manuel Antonio. It should be pretty amazing.
Last thing: Here are some photos of my house, neighborhood and Baby Ian.

After school I have been running errands to the bank or the the book store to pick up materials. But, of course, as soon as I get home from school, Mama Tica has once again a huge thing of food. Let me say, I am an eater, but I think I have met my match. It is insane! Enough about food.
Monday night I went and played soccer with a group of Ticos and Americans. They play every Monday and Thursday night for about an hour. It is a lot of fun. I even met a kid who goes to Oregon! The funny thing was, everyone has in their mind that Costa Ricans or Latin American people are really good at soccer, but watching games on the weekends in the park or even playing with them proves that wrong. haha.
Last night I joined the gym and took a Costa Rican Spin class. It was so intense. The instructor turns the lights off and we have disco balls going. It made it a bit more interesting. And as for tonight, me and some of the girls in my program are going to a Zumba class. I have no clue what to expect considering I have never taken a dance class in my life! Wish me luck!
Tomorrow I leave for my first excursion to the beaches of Manuel Antonio. It should be pretty amazing.
Last thing: Here are some photos of my house, neighborhood and Baby Ian.
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