We had so much luggage we had to put it on top of the car.
The group in the garden.
This yellow flower looking thing is what we call Ginger. It is by far the coolest flower I have seen.
What part of the garden buildings look like.
After our trip to the garden, we heading to the town of San Juaquin. I was so nervous! We were about to meet our host families. We pulled up to the institute, at which I will be going to school, and the host moms and dads stood there with "Bienvenidos" signs. My host mom is named Anna and her husband is Mario. They have two sons, Oscar and Allen who are 25 and 27 along with a daughter Laura who is 20. Laura has a baby boy named Ian who is 1 and so cute. He is in the same boat as me, neither of us speak Spanish!
This has been a bigger challenge then I ever could have imagined. I moved into a family who does not speak any English and who talks a mile a minute. But they are so nice and understanding. I say something in Spanish that is completely incorrect and they laugh and help me out. They keep telling me not to worry because I will learn it quick.
Mama Anna cooks me every meal and it is so delicious. Lots of chicken and rice but nothing like what we have in the United States. There is lots of fruit and fresh veggies all the time. But I have one complaint, Papaya? IT IS TERRIBLE! I always thought it would be delicious but it is one thing I cannot stand.
On my first day arriving, Ana and Laura were there to greet me. We went back to the house, ate lunch and did our best to converse. Later on, Ana took me into the town nearby called Heredia to run some errands and show me around. Today, Friday, I had a full day of events at my institute. We had a police officer come and talk to us about the safety of Costa Rica, we had to take a placement test, and then did some welcome games. We were told that we are never allowed to use English while in the school. I never thought I would be so exhausted in one day.
Tonight I came home and played with Baby Ian for long time and then got roped into a game of poker with the older boys, Mario, and some friends. Lets just say its hard enough playing poker in the United States. Now off to bed for a bright and early morning tour of Cartago! Chow!
ReplyDeleteI found your blog - its GREAT. Love reading about your adventure and your pictures brings the trip to life! Please keep posting! ==== first real drink? Well aren't you all grown up. Glad the family is nice and the food is good. You are hereby excused from eating any more Papaya.
Have fun and will be watching for more updates.
Hi Emma,
ReplyDeleteLove your blog and following what you are doing. I'm sure the language is a challenge right now. I remember when Jen and Andy studied abroad how exhausted they were the first few weeks, trying to decipher the language. You will find it is much easier soon!
Your family sounds nice - I'm sure they love having you there.
I'm looking forward to hearing more adventures. Good luck with your classes tomorrow. I'm sure it will be kind of fun and good to be with all the other students.
Can you take taxi's out at night to go visit other friends? I know it is challenge to get around, probably.
Good luck - sounds like a great experience.
Love, Donna